Concrete Chainsaws

Traditionally chainsaws are known to be used for wood projects such as tree removal. But when your project calls for cutting deep into concrete, a chain saw specified for concrete should be your first choice. These types of saws can be used on all different types of concrete, bricks, masonry, and steel objects as well. Concrete chainsaw blades are made of mainly diamond grit which has incredible durability for these different types of surfaces. Because of the common use of these chainsaws in home construction, government projects, and non-residential buildings, they are becoming an essential tool for all construction companies.

Purpose of Concrete Chainsaws:

For most construction jobs, a concrete chainsaw is one of workers’ most used tools because of how diverse a tool it can be. Demolition jobs, mining works, and even firefighters occasionally use these intensified concrete chain saws for their jobs. These chainsaws are perfect for tight, hard-to-reach areas where big equipment can’t reach. Concrete chainsaws can easily make small, deep openings in these tough surfaces to further enhance any project that you are working on.

These chainsaws are welded with diamond segments to increase the hardness and endurance of the cut you are performing. Because these concrete chainsaws have pressurized water circulation instead of bar and chain oil in regular chainsaws, heat reduction is the main component.

A concrete chainsaw is a perfect tool for these hard, tough surfaces because of the little amount of kickback they produce. These saws hardly ever get caught because concrete is a fibrous, brittle structure.

Different Types of Concrete Chainsaws:

Depending on the variety of jobs you are working on will depend on the type of concrete chainsaw that you use. Gas and air-powered chainsaws are very different, so it is important to gain some knowledge beforehand when deciding on your next chainsaw. At U.S. Saws, we offer different chainsaws to make your next project become easier and more efficient to get the job done as quickly as possible:

Ductile Iron Cutting Air Chainsaw: These chainsaws are designed for the demanding jobs you come across when working in the construction business. They are the perfect saw for cutting ductile iron and other types of pipe that you may find. This type of chainsaw has different capabilities that are able to cut from 15” up to 20” deep of piping. The Ductile Iron Air Chainsaw makes sure safety is a priority and ensures the job gets done as quickly, but efficiently as well.

Concrete Cutting Air Chainsaw: This air-powered chainsaw is designed to cut through concrete walls, underground vaults, concrete pipes, and other tough structures. The cutting air chainsaw is used by contractors who require high performance and are very low maintenance, emissions-free tools. Because it is air powered, you can use this chainsaw for unground projects and not worry about the dangers of breathing in fumes that most gas-powered equipment produces. With a long service life, this saw will save you on maintenance costs in the future and become an everyday tool for your projects.

Ductile Iron Cutting Gas Chainsaw: With new 695XL features, this chainsaw has an easy-to-start engine with a high ignition system ready to tackle any surface in its way. These chainsaws are durable and have long-lasting components such as the muffler, carburetor, and piston to provide you with sustainability for years. This is the highest horsepower ICS gas chainsaw that is mostly used by construction, contractors, and concrete professionals. Packages with this chainsaw include a guide bar, PowerGrit Ductile Iron Chain, 10” Pipe Clamp, and Storage Bag Package to ensure you are getting your money’s worth.

Concrete Cutting | ICS 695XL-16 F4 Heavy: The most versatile gas-powered chainsaw from U.S. Saws. Available with 12 In. (30 cm) – 16 In. (40 cm) guide bars and the entire line of max, ProFORCE, and powerhead series Diamond Chains make this chainsaw perfect for any hard-cutting jobs you are working on. This chainsaw also involves the package of a guide bar, PowerGrit Ductile Iron Chain, 10” Pipe Clamp, and Storage Bag. Out of all the chainsaws with U.S. Saws, this is the lightest weighted one to use as well.

With different types of chainsaws available, U.S. Saws is here to help you find the perfect match for your next project. From tough concrete cutting to intensified pipe cutting, we have the chainsaws ready for your specific job to get done quickly and efficiently.

How to use a Concrete Chainsaw

Safety First:

Using a chainsaw is a dangerous aspect of the construction business. Because of this, safety should always be the first step when using a concrete chainsaw. Make sure you are well equipped with the proper clothing, hard hat, eye protection, and gloves. Once this is executed, checking the area before the cut is the next step.

Check the area and be sure that no electrical wires, plumbing, air ducts, or other dangerous obstructions are in the way of the cut you are about to make. The chain on the saw should be inspected to ensure the tension is correct and not too high as well. This is important to ensure the chain will work the way you need it to when performing your cut.

Plan Your Cut:

Planning your cut before the initial cut is an essential part of using these chainsaws. You can use a marker to help with a visual guide during this process. One thing that is important to remember is to always cut the bottom of the area first, cut the top of the area afterward, then finish with the sides.

The recommended technique that is the easiest and safest is called “plunge cutting”. Having a straight cut is a top priority and this process ensures this happens.

The Execution:

When it is finally time to cut your surface, start by slowly putting the nose of the guide bar straight into the surface. It is important that the trigger is continuously held on full throttle throughout the whole cut. The nose of the bar should be lined up with the visual guide you created while you slowly plunge.

During this process, a good amount of force should be applied. But if you push too much force, the saw will stall and the chain will untimely not have enough speed to continue with the cut. Having not enough force will cause the diamonds of the chain to glaze over the concrete. It is essential to find the right amount of force and maintain a constant RPM throughout the cut when using these chainsaws.

If you ever need a faster cutting speed, opening up the diamonds on the chain can execute this. This is done if you are struggling to make a cut on the surface you are working on.

Rent vs Buy:

Depending on the work you do will help you choose whether you should invest in buying a chainsaw or renting one. Whatever side you pick, you need to decide what will help your projects in the future the most, as well as financially for your business to make sure you get your money’s worth.


If you don’t normally use concrete chainsaws for your everyday projects, your best decision is to rent. There isn’t much need to buy a chainsaw for one-time use. Because there are several different types of chainsaws, if you do decide to rent, you need to ensure you get the right one for the specific project that you will be working on.

There is a big difference between gas and air chainsaws that have different amounts of power produced. Inspect the project you will be working on first before you start any of the renting processes for this equipment.

Always make sure the chainsaw you are renting is up-to-date and performs the way it is supposed to. The last thing you want is to start on your project with a faulty chainsaw that will waste valuable time and money.


If your business is heavily involved with concrete projects, investing in a high-quality concrete chainsaw will be well worth the money. Having your own chainsaw means you never have to worry about finding a chainsaw to rent in urgent times. Struggling to find a chainsaw to rent can make or break an important project that is urgent.

When you decide you want to buy, going the cheaper route isn’t always the best. Yes, these chainsaws are expensive. These types of chainsaws turn into a financial commitment that will be worth it in the end.

Concrete chainsaws that you buy from U.S. Saws are high-quality and satisfaction guaranteed. With the most durable and sustainable chainsaws available, you will lower your maintenance costs and be able to finish every project that is thrown your way when it comes to concrete and other tough surfaces needed to be cut.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long Do Concrete Chainsaws Last?

The average life expectancy of one of these chainsaws is at least 10 years. How long your chainsaw lasts all depends on how well you take care of it. Maintaining and cleaning your chainsaw will provide you with longer usage times for them. Be sure to replace any parts as soon as possible and lubricate the chainsaw before and after every use as well. If you maintain it and clean it thoroughly after every use, you can have your concrete chainsaw for a very long time, and will be worth the money you spent originally.

This also depends on the brand you choose to buy as well. Chainsaws are a huge market so there are numerous amounts of different brands and manufacturers. Each brand uses different materials and has different needs so your life expectancy on these chainsaws will always differ.

How Deep Do You Cut Concrete?

Most uses for a concrete chainsaw are for small openings or different tough surfaces. Because of this, different chainsaws can cut concrete up to 25 inches thick. Some hydraulic concrete chainsaws will cut more than 25 inches. Most gas-powered chainsaws will cut 12 to 16 in. deep depending on the model, bar, and chain being used. Depending on what chainsaw you are using and the material you are trying to cut will all affect how deep you can cut. You need to make sure you have total control of your chainsaw to ensure you don’t cut deeper than needed for your surface.

When is it Time to Replace Your Chainsaw?

When your chainsaw starts making you work harder than you usually do, this is when it is time to think about finding a replacement. Your chainsaw might become sluggish and the cuts you normally make will take longer. Missing teeth, rust, and smoking from the chain are also noticeable factors that it is time to find a replacement. Most of the time it is only the chain that needs to be replaced when these difficulties start occurring. Always inspect your chainsaw before each project so you can notice any issues beforehand.

Can you Cut Concrete Dry?

Cutting concrete with any saws should never be done dry. This type of cutting should be strictly done with a wet system. This helps reduce dust that can become health hazards within the respiratory system. Wet cutting helps with more precise cuts and puts less pressure on those using the chainsaw as well. Even though this is by far a messier method, this is an important cooling aspect for your diamond blades to ensure they are being used properly for your cutting project. 

Is “Kickback” a Safety Issue When Using These Chainsaws?

According to a research study recently published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, abrasive chainsaws generate nearly 50% less kickback energy than circular cutoff saws – making them a safer choice when cutting these tough surfaces. Diamond chains that are on your concrete chainsaw grind through concrete with small diamond teeth that are without hooks. If you use the preferred method of plunging straight into the surface when starting your cut, there will be no kickback. Wood-cutting chainsaws give kickback because the sharp hooked teeth grab the wood.

Where to Buy Your Next Concrete Chainsaw?

Concrete chainsaws are becoming a popular tool for the construction business. Because of their efficiency and safety features, choosing to have this piece of equipment is crucial for your next project. There are many different factors that go into deciding on your next concrete chainsaw. This can be a difficult process to ensure you get your money’s worth, but U.S. Saws has you covered throughout the whole process. With different types of chainsaws and attachments available, U.S. Saws will get you the most high-quality chainsaw to fit your project’s specific needs.

U.S.SAWS principals each have over 30 years of experience in the concrete repair industry and are very knowledgeable about Sawtec products. We are dedicated to improving contractors’ brand loyalty through innovative product enhancement and personal customer service. We bring to market innovative construction products which provide our customers value by improving job site productivity and safety as well.

U.S. Saws is an innovator in the tool industry. Concrete chainsaws are an essential tool for all tough surface cutting needs that will take your project to the next level. As there are many factors to consider in choosing the proper concrete chainsaw for your project, engaging with a company to help guide you to the right knowledge and concrete chainsaw equipment will ensure your project is completed promptly and in the right manner.  Contact U.S. Saws today to find the concrete chainsaw to meet your specific project needs.

Choosing the Right Diamond Tooling and Polishing Pads

As the aesthetic value of concrete gains popularity, the need for specialized tools to achieve a brilliant shine increases. In order to maximize the quality of your work, having the proper tools is a must. For any grinding or polishing work, understanding the scope of your project will guide you to the right set of tools. Attaining that perfect finish requires knowledge of the type of grinding that will be done (wet or dry), the best grinder to use, and the material(s) that need to be finished. This guide will help ensure you are using the right tools to obtain the desired outcome for your project.

What is diamond tooling?

Diamond tooling is the process by which diamond “grit”, think heavy-duty sandpaper, is used to cut, grind, and drill a wide variety of surfaces. These are real diamonds, but not the ones found in fine jewelry. They are synthetic diamonds, grown in a lab, that are renowned for their abrasiveness. By using synthetic diamonds, manufacturers are able to control the size of the diamond bits used. The scope of the project controls the grain size of the diamonds.  For challenging jobs, like grinding concrete flooring, larger bits of diamond are required. For polishing projects, it is best to go with smaller grains.

In order to grind and polish concrete, a sturdy, abrasive material is required. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth, scoring a 10 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it the perfect abrasive material for grinding and polishing projects. They are also thermal conductors. This allows the heat to transfer out of the diamond, extending the lifespan of the grinder or polisher by protecting it from overheating. Another benefit of using diamonds in tools is that they do not react with any chemicals that may be used in the grinding or polishing process.

Another consideration for your grinder or polisher is the number of segments your tool has. The options are single segment and double segment. While most medium to large projects will use a double segment for better performance on larger machines and for smoother finishes, single segments are optimal for smaller, lightweight machines.


Bonds are essential to diamond tooling. The bonds are used to secure the diamond pieces to the tool. Not only are the bonds critical to holding the diamond pieces intact on the tool, but they also gradually wear down, allowing new bits of diamond to be exposed as the older diamond pieces become dull. Bonds may be metal or resin and are chosen based on the hardness of the concrete involved in the project. To understand how hard the concrete surface is, do a scratch test.

Soft metal bonds will create the best results for hard surfaces. Harder materials require more abrasive action. Soft bonds wear down faster, allowing new diamond bits to become exposed faster, maximizing the effect of the diamond tooling on the surface. Using soft bonds on hard materials will reduce any instances of glazing, where the abrasiveness of the tool melts and re-hardens as a smooth surface, rendering the tool ineffective. One great option for single-segment jobs is U.S. Saws’ Single Segment Fast Change – Soft Bond, which is a single-segment fast-change diamond grinding tooling for grinding machines. This tool saves time and money and increases production through its ease of use and fast change system. For larger jobs, U.S. Saws has the perfect double segment option, the Double Segment Fast Change – Soft Bond. Perfect for larger concrete finishing jobs that require a perfectly smooth surface, this tool reduces downtime and saves money while coming in a variety of grit sizes, including #16/20, #30/40, #60/80, and #120/150.

Medium metal bonds work in a wide variety of situations. These are a great idea if the hardness of the surface is undetermined. The issue with medium metal bonds is that soft materials will cause the bond to wear quickly, and hard materials will prove more difficult to cut. U.S. Saws offers an economic option for single-segment medium bond diamond tooling. The Single Segment Fast Change – Medium Bond diamond tooling makes grinding a breeze with the fast change benefit. Double-segment options are also available. The Double Segment Fast Change – Medium Bond is an excellent choice for those larger jobs where the hardness of the surface is unknown. Both the single segment and double segment come with a variety of grit options.

Hard metal bonds are resistant to softer materials, like asphalt, soft concrete, and rain-damaged concrete. They are ideal for use on projects that require adhesive removal. U.S. Saws offers the Single Segment Fast Change – Hard Bond product as a way for contractors to save time and money through the fast change system, making fast work of those soft material projects.

Diamond Polishing Pads

Polishing pads are integral to obtaining the perfect sheen on your project’s surface. Choosing the right polishing pad is dependent on the thickness of the pad, wet versus dry polishing, and type of surface. Polishing pads typically range in thickness from 2 millimeters to 8 millimeters. Thicker pads last longer but are prone to cupping. Pads that have been cupped do not wear evenly, many times causing the outer portion of the pad to not make contact with the surface, reducing the effective size of the polishing pad. Friction is always an issue with grinding and polishing. Wet polishing pads reduce heat caused by friction, which in turn allows for a higher degree of shine in the finished product. However, wet polishing pads can be messy. Dry polishing pads may see an increase in heat due to friction, but they are also designed to withstand higher levels of heat. While dry polishing pads also create a mess through dust, there are dust collection systems available that make fast work of any dust and debris. Understanding the surface material and the work environment will aid in choosing the right wet or dry polishing pad for your project.

U.S. Saws offers multiple options for all of your polishing pad requirements. The 5” Honeycomb Polishing Pad Pack is the perfect option for polishing granite and marble. This pack of dry pads includes multiple grits to get you through a wide range of polishing finishes. Lower-numbered grit is coarser, while higher-numbered grit is finer. This is ideal for hand-held grinders. For larger surface areas, U.S. Saws offers the 7” Honeycomb Polishing Pad Pack. This pack is for dry polishing and also contains a wide range of grits, from #50 to #3000.

The 5” Standard Concrete Polishing Pad Pack from U.S. Saws is the right option for smaller wet polishing concrete surfaces for a high gloss finish. U.S. Saws has a great option for larger concrete surface areas. The 7” Standard Concrete Polishing Pad Pack provides a wide variety of grit sizes that are ideal for wet polishing.

Contact U.S. SAWS today to locate the proper diamond tooling products for your project.

The Perils of Concrete Dust and How to Protect Yourself

Concrete finishing is dirty work. From cuts to grinds and from wet to dry, no matter what option you choose there’s going to be a significant amount of cleanup to do after the job is complete. One of the great benefits of using wet blades and grinders is the reduction of concrete dust in the air. Yes, the surrounding area gets wet, but at least you aren’t inhaling toxic dust.

Particle dust created through concrete grinding and sawing finds its way into all of the small spaces of your job site. In the past, the clean-up of these dust particles was tedious and time-consuming. Nowadays tool manufacturers understand the hazards faced by contractors and construction workers due to concrete dust and have adapted tools to control the release of dust particles into the air.

Why Is Concrete Dust Dangerous?

The purpose of grinding concrete is to remove imperfections in the concrete. As the grinder does its magic by smoothing and polishing the concrete floor, the bits of concrete that are ground away need to go somewhere. Because the particles of dust are so small and lightweight, they are easy to inhale. These fine particles are actually called respirable crystalline silica and are approximately 100 times smaller than an ordinary grain of sand. When inhaled never known to cause silicosis, which is an incurable lung disease. Respirable crystalline silica has also been known to cause cancer, tuberculosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). All of these are serious medical issues that should be avoided at all costs.

These particles of concrete dust are deemed dangerous by the government and certain standards were created by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the 1960s to ensure workers’ safety. The guidelines required of contractors include:

  • Implement an exposure control plan;
  • Proper training on how to limit exposure; and
  • Offering medical exams, chest X-rays, and lung function tests to workers wearing a respirator for 30 or more days a year.

Not only are these particles hazardous to the construction workers, but they are also dangerous to any of the people who live or work in the job location. These fine particles can travel and land anywhere, leaving residents and/or employees at risk of disturbing the settled dust and inhaling the particles. It is crucial as part of the cleanup for contractors to ensure their workers make their best efforts to fully rid the job location of any remaining concrete dust.

Tips for Protecting Yourself from Concrete Dust

There are many things contractors and construction workers can do to protect themselves from the hazards of respirable concrete dust. The first step is to ensure everyone working at or near the site is wearing a respirator.  It is critical that workers understand which respirator is right for the job. Different respirators block out different-sized particles. Educate yourself on the differences and ensure you are using the correct one for your specific job.

Another way to minimize free-range hazardous dust particulates is to capitalize on the advancements in tool technology and upgrade your toolbox with top-of-the-line dust collection systems. One such dust collection system is the U.S. Saws Ultra Vac 1250 Dust Collector which has changed the game for contractors. This state-of-the-art dust collection system comes equipped with:

  • Top-of-the-line large HEPA (or High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which are capable of filtering out about 99.7% of various airborne particulates, even concrete dust
  • Two 120V motors provide extra sucking power
  • Durable steel frames that can withstand constant use
  • High-capacity dust bins allow you to reduce the number of times needed to empty the bin, which always risks releasing more dust back into the air
  • Front and rear handles for effortless transport
  • It is OSHA certified

These high-powered performers allow contractors to completely clean the project site after a long afternoon of surface prep.

Contact U.S. SAWS today to ensure your dust collection system meets not only your job’s needs but is also OSHA certified.

Diamonds Are a Contractor’s Best Friend

We aren’t talking about the jewelry or even the precious stones extracted from the Earth.  A contractor’s favorite diamond is a synthetic diamond, man-made and created in a lab, where natural processes are mimicked to create a diamond.  Synthetic diamonds match the hardness of natural diamonds but are more readily available.  As the process of creating synthetic diamonds may become expensive, synthetic diamonds are typically used as grit or small crystals and a wide variety of industrial equipment.

Diamond Blades/Grinders/Chains

Diamond saw blades are equipped with small diamond crystals that are attached as grit to the saw blade itself.  This grit provides superior grinding action that works in conjunction with the standard cutting action of the saw blade. The result of this mix of grinding and cutting provides an efficient and precise cut.  Diamond saw blades are excellent for use in cutting concrete, brick, and tile.  Diamond blades vary in size and grit.  Because of this, it is important to understand the type of job the diamond blade is working to complete.  Having the right size blade and the proper mesh grit on the saw blade will ensure your job is completed properly.  Larger blades used with walk-behind saws make quick work of concrete while a smaller saw with a medium-mesh is perfect for glass and porcelain.

Diamond grinders work essentially the same way as diamond blades, however instead of cutting materials, they grind them to create smooth surfaces that can be polished and sealed or even painted. In large concrete finishing jobs, diamond grinders work well to smooth out divots and pits prior to sealing and painting.  Large jobs that require significant grinding in order to achieve a smooth finish require a grinder with a large mesh, or larger diamond bits.  Smaller surfaces that need a more polished finish are better off with a small, tightly knit grit to achieve the high sheen.

Chainsaws also come with diamond tool options.  While the diamond chains naturally cut with better precision through multiple mediums, perhaps the greatest advantage of diamond chains lies in their protection of the user.  Chainsaws are notoriously dangerous.  Protective gear is required for their use, from goggles to steel toed boots and thick gloves.  One of the greatest dangers of chainsaws is kickback.  Kickback is when there is an unexpected upward turn of the guide bar of the chainsaw.  This happens when the nose of the chainsaw hints and objects and the chain snags.  Because of the way diamond chains both grind and saw, kickback proves to be a non-issue, making them much safer to operate than a chainsaw with a standard chain.

Polishing Pads

Another great diamond tool for any contractor’s toolbox is the diamond polishing pad.  This tool also works on multiple mediums to polish out scratches and refine marble, granite or concrete into a smooth and refined finish.  These pads, much like any other tool, come in a variety of sizes and grit to help you achieve that desirable smooth surface.  The sizing of the pad is equally as important as the grit.  The pads need to remain flat as they are being used in order to provide equal polishing to the pull surface.  Pads that are too large for a space are not able to remain flat and will cause uneven cuts in the surface you are working so hard to smooth.  Polishing pads also come in wet and dry varieties.  Wet pads are useful as the water reduces friction, thereby reducing heat, which helps with the longevity of the pad.  Wet pads typically provide a better finish as well.  However, they are messy.  Jobs that must be completed under strict time constraints may benefit from a dry pad as the cleanup is less time consuming.  U.S. Saws has a wide variety of diamond polishing pads to help with any granite, marble or concrete job.

Dust Shrouds:  The Diamond Tool’s Cleaner

Concrete cutting, sawing, grinding and polishing, while working to create a perfect structure, is a dirty, and hazardous job.  The dust caused by grinding materials like concrete has been known to make construction workers very sick.  The tiny silica particulates that are released may be inhaled and cause infections in the lungs.  these particulates have also been known to cause cancer.  it is vital to construction workers health that they use protection to keep the dust out of their lungs.  One such way to reduce the amount of dust released into the air is through a dust shroud.

The dust shroud was invented in 1989 by Bill Glynn and Warren Duncan as a way to remove hazardous dust that was created during the grinding process of concrete.  the initial prototype was created by Glenn using his son’s basketball, which she would she cut in half.  A hole is inserted on top to fit the grinder, and a vacuum was attached to suck away the dust.  Modern grinders are essentially the same but with big enhancements.  for instance, The US SAWS 5-inch Pro Dust Shroud is equipped with polyurethane construction and aluminum mounting which aids in protecting the grinder from excessive heat.  one obstacle with using a the shroud is being able to get close to a wall with your grinder.  This model is equipped with a convertible front edge that can go up or down to allow the user to get as close to the wall as possible.  U.S. Saws has been manufacturing dust shrouds since 1993, only four years after the initial prototype was created.  They remain a leader in the dust shroud industry due to their use of premium materials in their products and their wide variety of dust shroud offerings for all ranges of handheld and stand up grinders.

Contact U.S. Saws today to speak with a professional about which diamond tools every contractor needs in their toolbox.

A Guide to Concrete Cutting

From residential and industrial premises to underground municipal utility structures, concrete has proven time and time again to be a highly versatile medium.  Concrete flooring, when prepared properly, can be polished to a sheen that is the focal point of a multi-million dollar penthouse.  It can also be the wise choice for a cost-conscious business owner opening a new warehouse or the local utility department’s storm water structures.  No matter the reason for the concrete, one thing is for certain, that concrete is going to need to be cut!

Installing Concrete

Concrete workers need to be cut for multiple reasons, including during the installation process, during the removal process, during the modification of existing concrete structures, and during repairs to municipal utility structures.  Installing concrete is a lengthy process that requires the cutting of control joints into the concrete in order to control the cracking that occurs as the concrete dries.  This is a natural process that is controlled by including forced cracks as part of the premises design instead of random uncontrollable cracks.  The joints are installed using an early entry saw.  These saws are typically used to cut control joints within one to two hours of concrete finishing, allowing those joints to be cut early without fear of uncontrolled cracks.

Removing Concrete

Many times, construction workers must remove existing concrete structures in order to alter the premises.  Concrete slabs are thick and difficult to remove. One efficient way to get the removal process rolling is with a circular saw.  Circular saws are able to cut into the concrete to a depth of about three inches.  These cuts simplify the process for sledgehammers to break up the remaining concrete and finish the removal process.

Modifying Current Concrete Structures

As versatile and long lasting as concrete may be, it still requires maintenance and during renovation, modification.  Modification of concrete flooring typically requires undergoing the installation process again, which requires the use of an early entry saw again.  It is important to note that at this juncture, another saw, albeit non-concrete cutting, is a requirement.  This is the joint clean out saw.  Before new control joints can be created, the old ones need to be removed, which includes the removal of the epoxies used to fill those control joints.

Repairing and Maintaining Municipal Utility Structures

Underground utility workers understand just how important it is to have concrete cutting tools at their disposal.  Known for having to work in awkward locations, many times under duress, utility workers commonly utilize concrete cutting tools like chainsaws to open gaps in concrete structures in order to maintain or perform repairs to existing structures.  These structures are intentionally inconveniently constructed to deter non-utility workers from disturbing local water or sewage lines.  These underground pipes need to be preserved from mainstream access.  In doing so, manufacturers have developed tools to aid municipal workers, especially underground utility workers, to gain access to these difficult areas, including gas powered chainsaws for areas lacking electrical outlets and hand saws for those tight space jobs which may even be air-powered to protect the health of the utility worker.

Tips for Staying Safe While Cutting Concrete

Protecting the health of construction workers is crucial.  Concrete cutting emits silica dust into the air of the surrounding workspace.  This silica dust is toxic and has been proven to cause multiple health hazards to concrete workers.  It is imperative that systems are put in place to remove the concrete cutting silica byproduct before it can be inhaled.  The first precaution that can be taken is wet cutting the concrete as opposed to dry cutting.  This is the easiest way to reduce the dust.  A second way to protect workers from silica dust is through protective face coverings.  These filter out the dust before it can reach the worker’s nasal passages.  A third way to reduce silica dust during the concrete cutting process is through dust shrouds or dust collection systems that eliminate dust from the air immediately.

U.S. Saws is an innovator in the concrete tool industry.  As concrete’s versatility gains popularity and its use becomes more prevalent in all aspects of society, U.S. Saws remains on the cutting edge of tool manufacturing for cutting concrete.  Contact U.S. Saws today to find the concrete cutter to meet your specific needs.


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